To make your Adobe Illustrator becomes a highly functional 2D-CAD program, equipped with 8 kinds and 17 different tools, all accessed through the Illustrator tool box with a convenient information palette. You can easily display the dimensions of objects with free curved lines, and measure everything from a segment of an object, to the object itself, and even groups of objects.
New functions added for various industries - such as object number tool and comment tool. Enhance your working skill with this great software. Give it a try!
New Function!!
Dimension tool has been added to BPT Information. Dimension tool will culculate area of selected object. When multiple objects has selected, Dimension tool will culculate sum of the selected objects' area.
* Dimension tool can culculate and display the area in mm2, cs2, m2, in2, ft2. Also, you can add the two custom units and display on BPT-Pro info window at the same time.